October 2005 meeting minutes
Thu 20 October 2005 by JoeSpeaker: S. Senthil Kumaran (ss_kumaran@tce.edu), III year CSE, TCE.
Topic: Introduction to programming in Perl
Date and time: 08/10/2005 10.30 - 11.30
Minutes of the meeting:
The october meeting was handled by S.Senthil Kumaran, III year CSE,TCE. It was on Introduction to programming in PERL. The session started with basics like what is perl?, scalar variables in perl, strings, operators, control statements and continued with topics like lists and arrays, extracting subarrays, array manipulation functions and ended with the basic file operations like opening a file,reading from a file, wirting to a file, determining the status of the file,accessing multiple files and subroutines in perl. The talk lasted for about an hour.
Then came the most interesting part of the session. Mr.S.Senthil Kumaran (stylesen@gmail.com) final year CSE, gave some useful informations regarding drawbacks of using proprietary softwares, features of GNU/Linux Operating System like VNC etc.
With that ended the october meeting of GLUGOT and GLUG-Madurai.
Minutes contributed by: Senthil Kumaran S (stylesen@gmail.com)