July 2006 meeting minutes
Thu 31 August 2006 by JoeTopic: Shells in GNU/Linux
Speakers: Krithika, Geetha Priya, II year CSE students, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
Date and Time: 08-07-2006 10.30 - 11.30
Minutes of the meeting:
The meeting started sharp at 10.30. The topic of the day was "Shells in GNU/Linux"
A basic introduction 'shell' was given.
Some features like auto completion, spelling correction, pipelining, I/O redirection, and also integer arithmetic were discussed.
Command history, multitasking using shells, and also running a background and foreground process using shells were introduced.
Some basic shell commands were discussed.
shell start up scripts and the commands that are executed when the shell starts up were introduced.
Various Types of shells (sh,bash,csh,tcsh,ash,dash) were introduced and their features were compared.
The session concluded with discussion on shell scripting basics